How to Start a New Course Off Right

Before creating or hiring a freelancer to create a full online course for you, if you have an idea for a course, the first thing you should do is create a small email-based course on general topics in the field of interest and promote it to see what kind of interest there is. The length of this mini-e-course should range from five to seven days, and it should provide an overview of the subject matter from a distance of thirty thousand feet. This way, you can cover the entire subject matter without providing the specifics that a full course that costs a fee would.

Additionally, you should write a series of five or six promotional emails that you will send to potential students to gauge their interest in the course. If every time you run a promotion, you have to run the entire series to get someone to sign up, so you might want to rethink your topics or see if you can focus better before going any further.

Subsequent to making a little email seminar on the subject, you are thinking about creating a course for you can find the accompanying ways to decide interest in the course and regardless of whether you are hitting on the key regions. I can tell you that this is the best way to make sure that people are interested in the subject you want to teach and value the information you will provide.

Make sure that every email has a [signature] at the end, which is meant to be replaced by a real signature phrase. You can use something memorable or inspiring to conclude each email. This field can be filled automatically by most email services (autoresponders).

Also, include the tag “Link to sign up page here,” which should be replaced with a link to the single signup page or the signup form you create for the email course that your email service gave you. Again, something that most email services provide.

Keep in mind that the majority of autoresponders, such as AWeber, GetResponse, and MailChimp, offer video tutorials on how to complete these steps, so that should be your first course of action if these steps present a challenge for you. Alternately, you might be able to hire a freelancer to do it for you (for a fee).

The promotional emails you created are sent as needed to sign up people for your e-course. After creating your daily list of interested individuals from visiting forums, groups, blogs, Facebook pages, Facebook groups, and professional association websites filled with people whom you have determined should be interested in your e-course based on their activity, you will want to simply keep drafts of them in your computer email program so that you can email them to yourself each day via bcc.

You can find these people by searching for keywords in Google, hashtags in Twitter, group names in Facebook, setting up Google alerts for key phrases, and looking for trade papers related to the industry. then looking for email addresses in these results. With those email addresses, you make a list of potential candidates and send them one of the promotional emails by email or bcc. Till you reach the final two, proceed at random through the list.

It is time to remove those email addresses from your list and move on if you reach promo email 5 or the bonus promo email. You need to keep an eye out for comments and constructive criticism from those who sign up for the online course. When creating your complete e-course and refining it, this knowledge is invaluable.

I’m not sure how I could explain that any more simply. If you follow this method, you should be able to determine whether there is sufficient interest in the content of your course to warrant building a full course with time and resources.

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